If you know auctions, you will find this one-liner hilarious! Thank you Gary Corbett!
Day Two was even tougher and longer then Day One and I expect they will get longer as the week progresses.
We started a daily tradition today and were led by Shannon & Rich Schur and Gary Corbett. We will start every morning from now on off with a battery of tongue twisters, followed by number drills. Again, I've been counting since I was a child but trust me when I say counting with a rhythm and at a quick pace is tougher than it sounds. We do the same drill after lunch and you can tell the class is getting better and better everytime.
We broke the class into groups and met with instructors who coached every student on their bid call. Yes, I said bid call! We received our instructions last night and by 9:00 a.m. this morning we were practicing our bid calls before our fellow classmates. Mine is pretty basic: "I'm bid one dollar, now two, would you bid two". Unfortunately somewhere along the line I picked up "I got" which I'm finding out is about as bad as cursing in church!
The majority of the day was spent with instructors and after each time we chanted before our classmates you could tell everyone was getting a little more comfortable and at ease. While its only my second day and I am honestly pretty impressed with how my bid call is developing.
That said...practice makes perfect. Thanks to my new Canadian friend, David, I'm going to have to start practicing quarters now. I have enough trouble counting 1-10 and he threw me a BIG curveball today by offering $57.25! I'm new! You don't throw a newbie quarters! I got him back and threw him a quarter bid, too bad he actually knows his quarters and it didn't make a dent on his bid call.
Who knew you could exhaust your vocal cords but we did it today! Thanks to one lecturer, Kathy Perez, a speech pathologist in Denver who spoke tonight, I now how to protect my voice. She also taught us a massage trick that hit the spot on my throat after a long day of talking.
Rich Schur: I promise to post my 10s clip tomorrow so you know I've been practicing.